The Duo team of Riley and Jim Pathman (aka Team Pathman) will run in circles around their home in Del Mar, CA and race against their running coach Andrew Kastor, with special guests. Race starts Saturday May, 16th 2020 at 7:00 AM.
Riley’s course has been set, 265 laps around Riley’s house, to be exact. This “closed racing circuit” will allow him to remain safe from Covid19 as he and many other kids with special needs are at heightened risk of complications stemming from the virus.
Andrew Kastor is the coach of the Mammoth Track Club and author. Andrew will be doing 180 laps around his home in Mammoth Lakes, CA at an altitude of 8,075 feet, with 20 feet of elevation gain on each lap, so he will need to climb 3,600 feet over the length of his run. OUCH!
Special guest Maggie Seymour is an ultra-marathoner, U.S. Marine Veteran, and Director of the non-profit Run Free. She will be staying home and running the 328 lengths of her dock in Beaufort, South Carolina. Forecasted 83 degree heat and 70% humidity for race morning. But, ZERO feet of elevation change!
All of the festivities will be live streamed with Zoom for race spectators from around the world. Special guest appearances by Deena Kastor who will be broadcasting live from Coach Kastor’s Instagram account @CoachKastor
Event Announcers: Team Noisy – Fitz Koehler and Rudy Novotny, “The World’s Most Famous Race Announcing Team!”
Deena Kastor – Professional runner along with her young assistant, Piper Kastor.
Race Direction and Support: San Diego Running Co
Team Hoyt San Diego Charity Donation Link:
Zoom link for spectators: Meeting ID: 951 6360 3166 Password: riley
Instagram streaming: @CoachKastor @Team_Pathman
Sponsors:@Original40beer @SunsetScreenPrint @Team_Pathman @McQuaidFlooringSanDiego @DJKanoya
Community:#novemberproject #NP_continues #teampathman #teamhoytsd #teamhoyt #TeamNoisy #covidtermission